Sunday, December 9, 2012

What NOT to do when creating your dating profile....

Unfortunately I have been smothered with Flu & Laryngitis this week so wasn't really in the humor of getting dolled up to meet up with anymore victims but lucky for you it gave me loads of time in bed to chat to guys online and as usual they didn't disappoint. My sleep pattern was also all over the place so I was online until stupid o'clock and that seems to be when all the crazy's come out of the woodwork....

I got welcomed by a message from someone who's user name was ...Charmer (I'm not giving his full user name to protect his privacy)

This so called Charmer opened with...


I replied ... 

Excuse me?

I clicked on his profile and started to read it in an old Dublin accent in my head (I'm from Dublin so I wasn't slagging its just how it came across) so you do the same cause it made me giggle when I did it!

If ya cant have a full BLOWIN conversation?
Fi-yer Light-erz fi-eve fer fif-tee!

Sounds like a real catch right?

A few minutes later I get a reply about the fake statement!

I really wasn't in the humor for this BS!

He replied with:

You Rude little bitch, I new i woz rite about ye, your one of those vain little cunts who tinks der are only brilliant, i hope your next fella sortz ye out wet a ghood slap, i have a good heart & respect women and resive it when it is givin... your nobody d way you speak...

Ye really sounds like you respect women!

He deleted his profile after that....

Nosing through a few profiles and maybe I am just a fussy wagon but if your going onto a dating website I think guys need to be abit more selective about what pictures they put up of themselves.....

I'm on a boat Muttha F*kka!!


Just a friend, OK!

Just another friend? me thinks the gentleman prefers blonde's!

I know what I'll do..... 
I'll take a photo of myself in the bathroom mirror

nah still not right.... maybe......

 it needs to be Black and white?

Still not right....
Maybe I should take......



can you spot whats wrong with this picture?

No man should EVER wear CROCS..... EVER!!!

This one is my favourite........

Just hangin out......

In my crack den!!WTF???

In between all my snooping I get a mail saying " You Ready?"

No reply!?!?
I think I just rumbled Larry Murphy

I've been logged off a few days cause my flu escalated to stage 3 Man flu (stage 5 is death), but talking to a few potentials for dates next week, so as always I will keep you all informed!

Don't forget you can keep up to date on facebook and twitter by clicking these links....

Thanks for reading guys, you can send me your comments and any stories to

OH and one last thing, incase you are wondering, he still never text!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Read at 6:25pm......

Don't even know where to start this week.........

Right, so the guy I texted the wrong message to on the date and got sick in his office actually wanted to see me again!! Fucking amazing I KNOW!!! 
We were still texting every day, some days more than others, felt like he was being a little off but was still wanting to meet up the following weekend so I could of just been paranoid- this happens when I have two days off in a row, to much time to think and over analyze every little thing or do I just have really good instincts, that I never manage to follow? hmmmm

We had said that we would do something on Sunday, no definite details, I thought, sure we can iron out the details later in the week, it was only Monday after all.

I text him Tuesday but he never wrote back and iPhone being the amazing (and somewhat SMUG) inventions that they are, rub your face in it, so that when you send a message to another iPhone owner, sometimes it will say "delivered" under the message and sometimes it will say "read at ....." whatever time.
I can only speculate, but I think that Steve Jobs, being the creative genius that he was installed this little detail so crazy bitches like me, will see it and when he hasn't wrote back 20 minutes later can be found in the corner of a dark room, rocking back and forward in floods of tears, wondering why has he not wrote back???? Why??/ WHHHHHYYYY??? WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????
That's only a theory......

So I sat for hours looking at the phone.......
No I didn't really, I got on with my life and when I still hadn't heard anything the next day, I thought, 
"Well screw you, two can play that game"
So I didn't text him. 
The following day (we are up to Thursday now) low and behold I get a text.... 

"Are you still alive?
so I casually responded with
 "yes sorry was working all day, hows u?".

 A few years ago, fifth gear crazy would have kicked in and I would of said something like
 "Ehhhhhh I text you yesterday and you never wrote back, whatever, anyway, hows u?"
Thankfully I'm not a headcase anymore (I still thought it, I just didn't say it)

This is how it played out...

Awwwww cute I thought, so I said ye and we chatted more then I hit the hay.

Friday rolled round and when I finished work for the day I dropped him a text telling him I won a few bob on the Euro Millions but didn't hear back, but wasn't worrying, thought hes prob working late and was to happy with my windfall to really care that I hadn't heard from him.

Mid day Saturday (day I was supposed to go to him for dinner)  I gave him a quick text on my break to see if he wanted me to pick up anything for tonight and went back to work thinking I'll check my phone when I finish work and if he wants me to get anything I can swing by the shop on my way home. 

So I clock off for the day, grab my phone from my bag but there's no texts back not from him anyway, so I text joking 
"You alive?" and drive home. 
Go straight for a shower when I get home and when I get back to my room, still nothin.......... WTF???

So I text one of the girls and tell her my dilemma. I'm supposed to be leaving in half an hour to head down to him but haven't heard from him all day. I've text him and haven't heard back, he could be still in work, but again the dreaded iPhone had informed me that he had read both messages a while ago, surely he could take 30 seconds to write back????
Should I call him? does that look desperate?? But we'd made plans, I was getting agro with the anxiety and my bessie said just call him and say your leaving in a while just checking the address or something. 
So I bite the bullet and dial his number, it rings and rings and rings and rings and rings.... then....... ANSWERING MACHINE!

I'm trying not to get worked up so I just do my hair and make up and get dressed but when its ten minutes past the time I was due to leave and I still haven't heard anything I'm getting a little pissed.

Talk about all dolled up with no where to go :(

I have little to no patience... ever... in any situation... least of all waiting around for a bloke who cant bother his hole to text me and say somethings come up or has the decency to tell me he's changed his mind and wants to call of the date, so I get onto one of my friends who is always up for a last minute night out and 40 minutes later I'm in hers with a glass of pinot having a rant.
We go out and have a great laugh and it distracts me for a few hours until I drunkenly fall into bed. 
I wake up Sunday morning relieved I didn't drunkenly call him and abuse his answering machine for him being a ignorant SHITEHAWK but I'm disappointed cause I was half expecting a text from him, but nothing!! 
And still all day nothing, still don't know if he's dead or alive? He's obviously alive, his iPhone told me he read the message, dead people cant check there texts ;) ......

I'm not too proud to say I'm a little gutted, I did like him and even if he didnt go anywhere I had actually thought we would be friends cause we got along so well, but alas t'was not meant to be...

Still secretly in the back of my mind thinking...
Has he been in an accident? Did something really serious come up? was he involved in a tiger kidnapping and they are showing him his texts but wont let him reply? Did he loose his thumbs and cant text and doesn't have SERIE?
Obviously I don't believe any of those idealism's but a girl can dream.... 

I do believe that karma's a bitch and hopefully it will bite him in the ass like a rampant dog! Thats All!!

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Thanks for reading and as always I will keep you all updated!