Saturday, February 9, 2013

Late night messages can only mean one thing

For those of you that like the Facebook page, you may have seen me post that I had been in contact with a guy for a few weeks and the day of our first date he disappeared off the face of the earth, BEFORE we even got to meet.
Well after three days of nothing from him he finally text apologizing for his lack of contact and for not going ahead with our date because he wasn't sold on a long distance relationship (we live approx 55 min drive tops from each other).
I thought that smelt like a bullshit excuse and I told him as much (in my friendliest I'm not all that bothered manner) but I was A bit shocked at how far ahead he was looking, we hadn't even met yet and he was worrying about travel distance and bus fares? Ok Mad Mary put the wedding dress away!!!!!!

He did me a favor, as they all have, because that meant I was back to creeping online for Mr.right and what woulda ya's do if I found someone and lived happily ever after.
You'd all be devo'd!!!
So happy days for everyone!

As soon as I logged into my profile the usual suspects began messaging and there is very few I respond to! If they seem nice and are being polite but I'm just not interested I will either mail back and say "sorry I'm not interested but I really hope you find what your looking for!"


If I'm lazy and tired I just don't mail them back.
If on the other hand they call me ;

Or any other derogatory term I will sometimes take the piss out of them and see how far it will go before someone cries or vomits... Or both!

I thought it was a reasonable assumption

Escort My hole, you've a head like a burst sofa!

The following is For adults eyes only.....

Is it just me or does it look like a babies arm?

Eh no thanks but thanks for playin'.....

Next on the hit list........

Ohhhh your handsome...

But hang on....

Is that??

No It couldn't....

Does that??

No surely not...

Does your phone have an Ariel?

Think someones digged into there 1990's photos for a profiler!

Ok one more before I go...

Pop back in store when you finish puberty honey

So still havn't found my prince charming online, but I'll keep on keeping on!

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1 comment:

  1. Do you think the fellow with a stiffy got one specially for you or just fobbed you off with an old photo? These little details make all the difference, don't you think?
